Procurement Summary

  • Purchaser's Detail

    Purchaser - service Australia

    Email Address

  • Other Information

    Country - Cameron

    Document Ref. No. -

  • Tender Details


All information contained in the Global Tender Module in (MyCII) has been obtained from sources believed to be accurate by its knowledge partners. MyCll is only acting as a platform for the users to provide information on Tenders from across the globe on various sectors. While utmost care has been taken in its preparation, Cll makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) in terms of accuracy, timelines or completeness of any such information. Cll will not be liable for the bids placed by the respective company / individual. The process for bidding, follow-up, etc. has to be done by respective company / individual. To know more on individual tender, users have to contact the respective Tender issuing organisation / authority mentioned in the tender details. Cll will not be liable for incorrect address mentioned in the Tender, and anything else in any manner particularly if any bid gets rejected without prior intimation. Cll will not be responsible if any Company / User loses money or any other materials while placing any bid for the tenders through Global Tender Module in MyCll. Please note that MyCII is the Online Business Resource Centre of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). For more information about CII, please visit